Playing a scene and trying my best acting skills

Playing a scene and trying my best acting skills

Trying off these skills with an apple scene

Trying off these skills with an apple scene

You know what, this apple tastes just amazing!

You know what, this apple tastes just amazing!

Male clown laughing out loud

Guessing about which words would be good here

Male clown laughing out loud

Young guy sitting on the table in profile and playing on guitar

Guessing about which words would be good here

You know what, i really have great taste in music

Male clown laughing out loud

Young guy sitting on the table in profile and playing on guitar

This text goes along with music really well

Young guy sitting on the table in profile and playing on guitar

Male clown holding his finger up in denial

Performing for an audience is really my thing, you know

Young guy sitting on the table in profile and playing on guitar

You know what, i really have great taste in music

Laughing clown pointing his finger

Siempre protegiéndose mutuamente la espalda

Jugando con mi hermano

Jugando con mi hermano

Échale un vistazo, es simplemente hilarante

Male clown laughing out loud

Échale un vistazo, es simplemente hilarante

Siempre protegiéndose mutuamente la espalda

Jugando con mi hermano

Mira, esta cosa se ve simplemente increíble

Male clown laughing out loud

Male clown putting his face into a cake

Male clown laughing out loud

Male clown holding a white cake

Male clown holding a white cake

Male clown laughing out loud

Male clown laughing out loud

Male clown holding a white cake

¿y a quién le fue bien hoy, eh?

Es bueno que mi hermano y yo tengamos sentido del humor.

Male clown with cake cream on his face holding a cake

Es bueno que mi hermano y yo tengamos sentido del humor.

Male clown with cake cream on his face holding a cake

Male clown with cake cream on his face holding a cake

Male clown with cake cream on his face holding a cake

Wow! es una piña!

Nunca es aburrido cuando tienes un pequeño narrador.

Male clown with cake cream on his face holding a cake

¿podemos finalmente ir a la escuela?

Supongo que podemos trabajar juntos, ¿eh?

Pareja gay leyendo libro y sosteniendo un globo

Descubriendo los mejores lugares del mundo juntos.

Pareja gay mirando globo

¿y qué tal si vamos a algún lugar allí?

Descubriendo los mejores lugares del mundo juntos.

Male clown standing with hands on his hips

Un joven negro en un suéter gris de pie solo sobre el fondo blanco.

Un joven negro en un suéter gris de pie solo sobre el fondo blanco.

Descubriendo nueva información con mi amor.

Descubriendo los mejores lugares del mundo juntos.