Joven sollozando

Adolescente sollozando en ropa deportiva

Im so scared....

Please, don't do this to me! enough!

A three-quarter side view of the sexy crying girl dressed in black tied with the rope

Vista frontal de un hombre con ropa informal de negocios con los ojos cerrados

No, please, no!

Oh god! how did this happen?!

This is not funny! this is really hurts...

I just cant take this anymore!

Please, dont do this to me!

My hands are numb! cut off the god damned rope!

Please! you confused me with someone!

When will it end?

Please, let me go..

Set me free, please! you promised!

Come on! think! i need to get out of here!

Un joven negro en un suéter gris de pie solo sobre el fondo blanco.

Vista trasera de tres cuartos de una adolescente llorando

Niña adolescente llorando en ropa deportiva