Joven hablando y gesticulando con ambas manos
Teenage girl wearing beige overalls looking aside while talking on the phone
Getting to know everything till the latest gossips
Skipping through all this work info an deciding a lot of questions
Enfocado en la discusión telefónica.
A lot of work information to cover here
Going one more time through all this info
Going one more time through all this info
Skipping through all this work info an deciding a lot of questions
Skipping through all this work info an deciding a lot of questions
So looks like we've got some serious problems to get solved
Kinda trying to decide some work questions here
Talking to a colleague and kinda trying to understand what do we have here
Looks like we have a lot to solve here
Going through all this info just one more time
Skipping though all this info in the document
Skipping though all this info in the document
Checking everything till the very last detail of this document
Kinda trying to decide some work questions here
Kinda trying to decide some work questions here
Muchas emociones cambian mientras se habla.
Checking everything till the very last detail of this document
Cuando tu novia ha estado hablando por teléfono durante horas
Male black tourist carrying luggage and talking on the phone
Male black tourist carrying luggage and talking on the phone
I need a minute to get all what you're saying
I need a minute to get all what you're saying
Are you trying to say me something or what?
Standing half sideways back to camera young woman talking on the phone
Having quite a lot to discuss right now
Mucho hablar y charlar para hacer
No estoy de humor para hablar de trabajo ahora, estoy disfrutando la tarde
No, no quiero ir a acampar, soy demasiado urbano para estas cosas
I've been dreaming about it a lot and now it's finally happening
Recibiendo todas las noticias de trabajo del colega
Didn't predict conversation would turn out that way
Got to listen to all that info
Gasping young woman in formal suit talking on the phone
Gasping young woman in formal suit talking on the phone
Mucho hablar y charlar para hacer
Young woman dressed in formal suit talking on the phone
And what do you mean saying this?
Omitiendo toda la rutina de hablar y trabajar
Hija hablando por teléfono como su mamá
Mis amigos y yo siempre tenemos mucho de qué hablar
Young female traveller sitting on suitcase and talking on the phone
Smiling young female traveller sitting on suitcase
Smiling young female traveller sitting on suitcase
Espera un segundo, voy a terminar de hablar ahora
Smiling young female traveller sitting on suitcase
Hablar con un amigo siempre es muy divertido
Recibiendo todas las noticias de trabajo del colega
Vista trasera de tres cuartos de un hombre joven hablando y gesticulando
Listening closely to all what has been said there
Hablar con un amigo siempre es muy divertido
And what do you mean saying this?
Ya no puedo
Holding notebook woman in formal suit standing back to camera
Listening closely to all what has been said there
Necesito un minuto para pensarlo todo