Criminal putting on his shirt's hood

I've been trying my best at covering my identity

Well, let's start this thing we've been planning for a while

Preparing good before committing a crime

Criminal standing with his hood on

Be scared of me everyone, i'm coming

Criminal pointing up with a knife

Well, let's start this thing we've been planning for a while

Guessing about the plan to cover up my tracks here, you know

Trying my best at hiding my identity

Be scared of me everyone, i'm coming

Criminal with hood on holding a knife

Modelo masculino con capucha se sienta bajo la luz azul

Hombre en balaclava con una pistola

Hombre en balaclava con una pistola

Hombre en balaclava apuntando con una pistola

Un hombre de talla grande con un traje negro con billetes de un dólar en sus manos

¿un soborno? prefiero el término "ayuda financiera a un funcionario necesitado"

Completamente irreconocible con mi bufanda

Gerente de piel oscura regordeta va ladrón en oficinista